This is the following post of Create own module project - Android, and shows the way to keep your module stable continuously.
Make tests Test is important to make your project reliable. As your project going bigger, there will be lots of bugs, and it is tough to keep your codes stable while fixing and modifing it.
One of my interests is distribute computing for data research, so it made me looking on open source projects for this feature. One of important point in distribution is managing status of each server, and communicating between them. I found out lots of them(such as storm, kafka, and much more) are using zookeeper for this feature, and this is why I started to looking on it.
e2e, or end-to-end testing is a testing method that goes on to actual application usage flow. It means, it tests your applicaion in user’s point of view. It is to check whether client showing correct information what system requests. You can register test scenario like components shows/hides correctly, action(button click, drag&drop) works well, and more things related with user interfaces/moves.
There are lots of modules for Android, and it helps you to develop your own app more easier, and faster. Most of them are open source and it is still being managed/updated by many contributer. You also could be one of them as contributor, or main producer by making your own module.
‘Web scraping’ is a logic to get web page data as HTML format. With this information, not only could get text/image data inside of target page, we could also find out which tag has been used and which link is been included in.