Construct front-end project with gulp

As front-end projects are being complecated, there are many process to think on working such as compressing, linting, transpiling, and more. These are not mandatory stuffs, but it helps managing your project, and upgrade its performance. Surely, there are several tools for this such as Grunt or Gulp, and you could set an option in Webpack to make these process.

Single Linear regression

One of the trend on developer is AI and machine learing, and I think most of engineer, like me, are trying to going into this field. To start on machine learning, we need a knowledge about data analysis, and for that we have to remind statistics, which we suffered when we are a student.

Going on to Firebase cloud messaging(FCM) in Android

During Android being update A to N(and soon O will be updated), messaging library has been updated as C2DM -> GCM -> GCM in google-play-service -> FCM(Firebase cloud messaging). The names are all different, but doing same thing - send push message to target device.

Looking on Ibis, python data analysis framework for Hadoop components

Ibis is a platform(or toolbox) implemented by Cloudera, which helps connecting remote storage and local python codes. The newest version is 0.8, and currently supports Hadoop components(HDFS, Impala, Kudu) and SQL DBs(SQLite, PostgreSQL). Main purpose of this is to simplify analytical workflows with remote data.

Map, Reduce, and MapReduce

MapReduce is a programming model for processing large dataset. Theory has been introduced more than 10 years ago, and it has been widely known to developer by Hadoop. This is the heart of Hadoop, and now it is being used in many distribute systems.